Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Fading Away

I have lost 15 pounds since I came home with this baby. If I lose any more weight I'll be invisible. This is ridiculous, I am 90 freaking pounds. I haven't been 90 pounds since I was in the eighth grade. I know this is partly due to me breastfeeding, but I can not deal with this. I look like I'm anorexic or something. It's never never a good thing when people walk up to you and ask if you eat. What kind of question is that? Do I eat, of course I eat.


Anonymous said...

wow- i NEVER heard of LOSiNG weight from a baby- usually people gain. but maybe it`s just a temporary thing, probably because of breast-feeding. but yea- only reason i didn`t go CRAZY on him is BECAUSE- i was thinkin about OTHER crazy stuff, but im tryin not to pop off on him if he`s innocent. i know him so i DOUBT he is- it`s just... i dont know what or WHO to believe.

Anonymous said...

oh & thanx for the love on the pic & the new layout! <333